
Open Science and Data Management – Mandatory and/or Beneficial?, 05.05.2023

On Friday, May 5th, starting at 11 am, the DataCite Estonia Consortium is organizing a seminar at Tallinn University of Technology aimed at informing researchers about the importance of open science and research data management and sharing practical advice for better managing research projects and work.

FAIRsFAIR Roadshow in Estonia, 18.11.2021

FAIRsFAIR Roadshow visited Estonia on the 18th of November from 10.00-12.30. In collaboration with DataCite Estonia Consortium, the FAIRsFAIR brought you a programme with several FAIR elements. FAIRsFAIR aimed to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles, such as tools for raising awareness about FAIR or even measuring the level of FAIRness.

Teaduskommunikatsioon avatud teaduse võtmes, 13.05.2021

Seminar focused on questions: How Open Science helps to reflect science more broadly in the society? To whom and why do we need this? Does Open Science helps to implement scientific mindset in the society? What should be done to strenghten the role and visibilty of science in media?

Opening Minds and Digital Collections: Digital Humanities Seminar, 30.09.2020

On the 30th of September RDA Estonia National seminar Opening Minds and Digital Collections: Digital Humanities Seminar took place. The event was organized by Estonian RDA Node and DataCite Estonia Consortsium.

Open Access – Plans and Choices, 6.11.2019

The purpose of this event was to continue the discussion between researchers, funders and publishers of research about the latest developments in the Open Access-related regulations and the Plan S initiative, to talk about the accessibility of research information in Estonia and to highlight the best practices in the application of Open Access principles.

FAIR Data – the Key to Sustainable Research, 9.-10.04.2019

This international seminar focused on various aspects and ways to support researchers work within Open Science. Topics that were covered: Data Stewardship, Data Champions, EOSC, Nordic Open Science Cloud initiative (NOSC) among others.

How to Get the Maximum from Research Data – Prerequisites and Outcomes, 29.-30.05.2018

Topics that were discussed: data reuse, new data protection regulations in Europe, open data for European social sciences, the ethical aspects of data management, and the quality control of the data.

Open Research Data – the FAIRest Data is the Future of Science, 20.04.2017

The target group was researchers, doctoral students, data managers and research administrative staff who are supposed to preserve and open up their research data.