
The DataCite Estonia Consortium was founded in early 2015 in order to guarantee the findability and usability of research data created by the researchers of the member universities.


Initiated by the University of Tartu Library and the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and funded by the Estonian Research Council, the University of Tartu joined DataCite in 2014 and acquired the right to assign unique Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) to research data created in Estonia.

During this year, the activities were centred on the developing of the web-based platform for DataCite Estonia, the University of Tartu research data repository DataDOI, and automated solutions for the databases PlutoF and SARV. The first DOIs were assigned to the research data in the repository QsarDB.


The members have the right to use all interfacing- and data centre management-related services, including the registration of DOIs, offered by the Consortium. Any institution or person, whose joining is approved by the Consortium Board, can join the DataCite Estonia Consortium.

If you wish to get more information or join the Consortium, contact the DataCite Estonia Consortium.